Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Believing In Your Small Business

I have come to the conclusion that in your business no one will help you You have to push yourself to all the limits! Thats why I promote myself everywhere and if you dont like it oh well then Im sorry I have a dream and I will make it happen no matter what. I have faith in God and I know things are bad right now but I will not stop at my dreams because I dont have that solid team but if you willing to help me then I see that as a blessing. I wake up everyday and thank God for letting me breath once again and continue to do so because I have a dream I believe in my talent and I believe in makeup line I take pride in all my work I been doing these past few years. I hope one day everything turns out for the better. 


  1. Awesome post. I feel the same way and I wish you much success <3 <3

  2. Thank you so much same back at you honey


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